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(Wilson) Yesterday at 10:00 (9:00 to all you guys) we left to go to this goat cheese factory, or a fromagerie. We looked at the goats (boy, do they stink!) and left. Not much there. After that we went to a hamburger joint where Mr. Rose said "They are the best hamburgers in the world!". I ordered a bar-b-q burger but it was hot and soggy and the BBQ sauce looked like ketchup. After we ate our lunch we drove a while to Forillon National Park (a Canada national park). We hiked down tons of stairs and along a boardwalk until we reached a 50-foot tall waterfall. The waterfall was nice, and the rocks by it were covered thick in moss. We stayed and looked for a while and continued along the boardwalk, back up the hill, to the RV. Then we went to a General Store thing that told people about the Gaspe peninsula in the 1700's. It was just about people catching cod, fixing cod, selling cod, eating cod. Cod, cod, cod, cod, COD! NO COD!!!! Then we went to a smaller building nearby where it was telling you how they shipped the um...you know, to different places. Then it started to rain. We were going to ride bikes but now we were having second thoughts. Luckily it was only a sprinkle. We got back to the RV and sat there for a minute (just like you are right now). When my dad and Alena woke up (they were asleep) we drove to the biking place, and on the way there, my dad saw a whale in the bay and practically yelled "Whale! Look, guys, whale!" We scrambled to the window, and got out so we could look outside. We watched for like, 5 minutes and I saw one, but RACHEL was watching a movie, so she didn't get to see it. When we got to the bike place, we spent 15 minutes getting ready (gosh) and finally got on the trail, which turned out to be a big hill at the very beginning. After our first 15 seconds on our bikes, we got off and dragged them up the hill. In fact, the whole trail was pretty much a big hill. There were only like, two times when we got to go down a hill. Luckily the trail wasn't a loop, so we could look forward to going down them when we came back. And guess what? The WHOLE last kilometer was the biggest hill I had ever seen! So we dragged our bikes up the hill for 2/3 mile, before reaching the top, when we thought "why didn't we just leave the bikes down there?!". Luckily the top was cool (and it had a bathroom). There was a relatively small lighthouse (about 36 feet tall), but we couldn't go up in it. Plus, we saw lots of seals in the bay below. Then it started raining again, this time harder. We went down the huge hill in the wet gravel, and luckily nobody fell off (remember my scooter incident?). We met at the bottom, and stayed there for a while because we saw LOTS of seals and a couple whales down below. We looked at the seals (or sea lions) with the binoculars and discovered that they kind of look like really, really wet dogs. We biked on, and before I knew it, reached the RV. Me and Rachel went "Thank goodness!" because we were flippin' COLD and our hands were numb. Thankfully, mom made us some hot chocolate and chicken noodle soup. Yum!
Here is a list of animals we've seen, and animals we should have seen:
We've seen:
Porcupine (it was cool, we got 4 feet away from it and it didn't run away!)
Whales (can't figure out what kind)
Weird Caterpillar (remember the botfly larva?)
Solitairy Sandpiper
Animals we should have seen:
Black bear
And this is really funny:
In Mr. Rose's shop, there was this rock on display with writing on it. The writing said, "Please turn me over". When you turn the rock over, there's writing on the other side that says "Thank you that feels so good". HAHA
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Cool animals! Here's my list, with rough date.
Few weeks ago: Armadillos
1 week ago: Armadillos and some deer
couple days later: Armadillo
Yesterday: Armadillo
I keep seeing armadillos! They're taking over!
P.S. When I saw the word "Solitary Sandpiper" I thought it said "Solitary Sniper" for a moment.
11:05 AM
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