This is our travel journal, a record of the adventures with the children where ever that may be.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

...Captain's Log...Stardate 9/6/06...

(Daren) Is it really September? The hard part has been remembering which day of the week it is. Wow! Where we have been! It's hard for me to even fathom that just a week ago we were on Prince Edward Island. Since then we've added another 1500 miles to the odometer (over 4000 total so far) and driven through Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont! Having all the pictures has been the only way I can go back and remember everything we've done. I've taken over 2000 pictures, deleted several hundred, culled through and posted just a few (sparing you all the rest for now) and the kids have taken many as well. I wish it were easier to post pics and log comments, unfortunately, it takes time and it's the last thing in the day we get to do--if we have internet. Hopefully you all who've read our web log have enjoyed reading it as much as we have writing it- it's been lots of fun for us going back and reading it ourselves! This will likely be my last post as we near the end of our adventure. Tomorrow we make a dash down Hwy 7 through the rest of Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, making a short visit to see the Aunts in New York, then onward to somewhere in Pennsylvania or Maryland by tomorrow nite. Then if weather and traffic cooperate we'll be through West VA and Kentucky by Saturday and hopefully home by Sunday.

In a week from now we'll be sitting at home and our lives will be back to normal. But as we sit around our big breakfast table one morning at home, I think we'll all sort of miss our cramped little table in the RV. I hope so anyway. This has been for all of us a trip we will never forget, and one that, I think, has changed each of us in some small but positive way. I know the kids will always remember it fondly, even Alena. Jessica and I have had the experience of a lifetime, not just visiting dreamed-about places, but being together as a family with our kids, and that IS what it's all about... 'til the next adventure, I'm signing off. Daren


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