This is our travel journal, a record of the adventures with the children where ever that may be.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Home at last

[rachel]Three days ago we finally got home. When we pulled around the corner to Monkey's [ grandma's] house on White ST Alena started screaming "unkey unkey unkey home" and almost pierced my ear drums. When we got out of the rv we ran across the sreet to Monkey's house. Luckly there were no cars. After all that mushy, love, i am so glad to be home stuff I rode my bike over to my friends house, Indigo. We played and talked until it was time to go home. About 1 mile away from our house I started singing the theme song of Jarrasic Park. When we pulled up in our drive way Wilson and I leaped out of the rv and ran to the door opened it and started to run around and scream. We all could not wait to take a real shower but we were disappointed when we realized how bad the water smelled from sulphur. The water had been sitting in our well for 1 month. It felt good to sleep in our own beds after sleeping with my brother.

My favorite state was Vermont because of all the beautiful mountains.
I really liked Quebec city. It made me think of Eureka Springs because of all of the little shops everywhere. The only thing I didn't like about Quebec City was that everyone was speaking French and I couldn't understand a word they said! All I heard was "blah, blah, blah." Afterwhile it gave me a headache. I think Alena's favorite part was at the campground Tete D'Indian in Gaspe. It had 2 big fields with soccer, bocce ball, volley ball and other sports and she could run around hitting us with the racket. What a trip!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel, Thanks for taking the time to blog. I really enjoyed reading about all of your travels. Talk to you later.
J. Cobb

11:54 PM


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